Print'n Play

Print-n-Play is a popular style of lottery game in Virginia where you print off your own ticket and play at home. It combines the style of an instant win game ticket with the fun look of a scratch-off.

Each game is completely unique, with different styles, prize payouts, and ways of winning. There are games similar to blackjack, bingo games, crosswords and more! Whatever fun way you want to win prizes, Virginia Print-n-Play has a game for you.

The advantage is that you can win great prizes within moments, so you do not even have to wait for a draw to find out whether you have won.

How to Play

While each game has its own set of rules, a lot of them follow a similar format. The cost to play ranges from $1 to $20, while other factors to consider when choosing which one to play might be the top prize, odds of winning or overall theme.

If you’re playing a bingo game, for example ‘Easy Bingo’, your ticket will display a bingo card in the top half. This will contain five horizontal lines, with five numbers on each one and a prize value at the end. A set of ‘Caller’s Numbers’ will then be printed on the lower part of the ticket. Circle any of the numbers on your card that are shown among the Caller’s Numbers, and if you complete a full line you will win the associated prize amount.

Crossword games uses letters, Blackjack games use cards, and so on, but generally the aim of the game is to match symbols in some way to win prizes. You can either play the games yourself, or simply go to a retailer to get the barcode scanned. This will tell you whether the ticket is a winner.

Print-N-Play Prizes

The top prize can span from $50 to $250,000. This is proportional to the cost of a ticket, with the more expensive games offering the biggest payouts. There are various other prizes on offer for each one.

The odds of winning a prize vary by game, but it is usually in the region of 1 in 3 or 1 in 4 – much better than your chances of winning in most lotteries.

Upcoming Jackpots
Saturday's Powerball jackpot:
Time remaining:
  • 0d
  • 0h
  • 0m
  • 0s
Friday's Mega Millions jackpot:
Time remaining:
  • 0d
  • 0h
  • 0m
  • 0s
Friday's Cash4Life jackpot:
$1,000 A Day For Life
Time remaining:
  • 0d
  • 0h
  • 0m
  • 0s
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